Tuesday, May 26, 2020
What You Should Do to Find Out About Film Essay Topics Before Youre Left Behind
What You Should Do to Find Out About Film Essay Topics Before You're Left Behind The best way to success requires a lot of time and energy. By the way, you ought to be aware and understand all basic terms and concepts associated with the film market. The movie business is a fantastic industry that chronicles human society. Furthermore, it helps them become conscious of the complicated processes and technology involved in producing a movie. Because of the Internet you are now able to locate a whole lot of great topics for your paper and achieve an outstanding outcome. You are likely to gather details about a particular subject, subject, product etc.. Select something you're interested in. A very simple program Google Earth helps someone find his native residence, when he doesn't remember his address. It will produce the history essay writing process faster and easier, and you won't need to devote a good deal of time doing research. However good your writing skills are, you can't possibly devise a top-notch sociology essay within a night. The writing process is going to be a pleasure, and your reader will delight in reading your bit of academic writing. Your teacher has probably already given some instructions, so make sure to test them out, particularly if you don't know just how to write a vital evaluation essay. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. It is all about arguing and debating on a topic, which is debatable. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Though writing an evaluation essay is a difficult task, you ought not give up on account of the obstacles on your way. Picking the proper essay topic can at times be rather tricky. Subsequently, it has been defined in a variety of ways. Take into consideration this issue of the history essay you've already written before. If you would like to compose a superior history essay you'd better select a topic that is familiar to you. In order to reach success in your academic sphere, all you need to do is buy geography essay or any other type of assignment from us and receive an exemplary result right when you require argumentative film essay topics. Whether there are only two books that have any connection to your topic, it could be too narrow. Some men and women live their lives based on their religion even though others don't think you should factor that into decision making in regards to determining rules for everybody. The issue is that everybody's interpretation of what makes a great society differs. You will probably locate a different and amazing topic you will love to write about. Just take a peek at our list of flawless sociology essay topics and elect for the one which you locate the most exciting. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's vital to at all times be critically considering the world around us. There are many essay topics that you may choose from. Being assigned a film analysis essay could just be the absolute most exciting assignment you've ever had! You can rest assured that the film studies essay example we deliver to our will be in accordance with the demands of your teacher. You won't be able to crank out a 4,000-word essay in a week and receive an A. An evaluation essay can help you find out about the caliber of an object you want to know more about. Students ought to be permitted to pray in school. As such, they may be motivated to write about what they see on the screen. Another reason is to observe how well students argue on unique views and demonstrate understanding of the studied subject. Students often discover that nearly all of their work on those essays is done before they even begin writing.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Study Behind The Fall Of Lehman Brothers Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1146 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Introduction Lehman Brothers, the Americas fourth-largest investment bank, declared the largest bankruptcy in the United States history on 15 September 2008. The fall of Lehman Brothers rattled the global market and led to a great drop in the United States stock market the day after the announcement and ultimately, the financial tsunami. Lehman Brothers had successfully survived many economic crises, like railroad bankruptcies of the 1800s, the Great Depression in the 1930s and the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management in the 1900s in its 158 years of history. So what made it collapsed? Reasons of the Bankruptcy Low Liquidity The basic reason for Lehman Brothers bankruptcy was the lack of liquidity. Lehman Brothers had total debts of US$613 billion against total assets of US$639 billion when it bankrupted. Its total assets were seemingly enough to cover the debts, however the liquidity pool was far below from the total. Few days before the filing of the bankruptcy, it publicly reported a US$41 billion liquidity pool but with a significant portion which was difficult to monetize or illiquid. For example, substantial amounts of cash and securities which were placed as deposits with various banks for its usual clearing business and had become actual pledges were included in the pool to achieve and report a better liquidity and maintain the market confidence. Lehman Brothers actual liquidity pool contained less than US$2 billion of readily monetizable assets. The lack of liquidity made it impossible to repay the short term debts and go bankruptcy without choice. High Leverage Lehman B rothers bankruptcy was also a result of its high-risk and aggressive leverage policy. It usually had a leverage of more than 30 to 1 (i.e. US$3.30 of equity for every US$100 loans) while commercial banks are regulated to leverage its equity no more than 15 to 1. When it bankrupted, the leverage ratio was slightly reduced to approximately 24 with a capital of around US$26 billion and the total liabilities of more than US$600 billion. Its high debt-to-equity ratio implied how seriously it relied on the use of debt to supplement investments. Issuing bonds can finance the long term investments. However, for a large part, Lehman Brothers funded itself through the short term repo markets and borrowed money in the markets to be able to operate daily businesses. Lehman Brothers leverage policy put itself at high risk of instant shortage of funds. When the repo markets lose confidence in Lehman Brothers and refused to lend, Lehman Brothers would fail to repay the previous debts and fund its daily operations. It became the real situation of Lehman Brothers when it went bankruptcy. Confidence in Lehman Brothers was eroding following the sub-prime residential mortgage crisis in 2007 and the near collapse of Bear Stearns in early 2008. It was widely considered to be the next bank which might fall. Huge Losses In addition to the liquidity and leverage problems, the huge losses resulting from the sub-prime residential mortgage crisis also played an important role in Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. For a number of years prior to the crisis, low interest rates and large inflows of foreign funds created easy credit conditions in the United States. Easy credit encouraged the demand for housing, which drove house prices higher. With a belief in long term trend of rising housing prices, subprime and adjustable-rate mortgages became more popular. However, when the adjustable-rate mortgages began to reset at higher rates and the housing market started to decline after the peak, refinancing became more difficult and mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures rose dramatically. Lehman Brothers held on to large positions in subprime and lower-rated mortgage-backed securities. Huge accumulated losses of approximately US$60 billion with a combination of write-downs on assets, sales of assets at losses and losses on hedges were resulted from the continuing mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures. The market generally believed that the reported losses might be underestimated and further provisions had to be made for the depreciation of the value of the mortgage-linked assets. The uncertainties discouraged potential investors to take over Lehman Brothers and Lehman Brothers could only go bankrupt. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Study Behind The Fall Of Lehman Brothers Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Belief in Accounting The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers shocked the market. Few months before the bankruptcy when it reported a quarterly loss, it was still trying to cushion the bad news by trumpeting its strong liquidity position and the decline in its leverage ratio. Neither its quarterly reports nor annual reports mentioned the risk of being bankrupt though it finally did. The general public believed that Lehman Brothers did not truly present its financial status in its financial statements and such belief was recently supported by a report of the causes of the bankruptcy made by a court-appointed examiner. It was discovered that Lehman Brothers made use of an accounting device called Repo 105 to paint a misleading picture of its financial condition. Lehman Brothers entered repurchase (repo) agreements at the end of a financial quarter to raise cash by collateralizing assets with an obligation to repurchase them at a small premium the day or several days after the year-end. The cash raised was th en used to pay down the debt. By nature, it was a short term financing and had no effect on the overall leverage. However, Lehman Brothers took the advantage of an accounting rule called SFAS140 and recorded the transactions as sales of assets. The collateralized assets were taken away from the balance sheet and the obligation to buy back the assets was not shown either. Such way of treatment helped Lehman Brothers to reduce the balance sheet and report a better leverage at the quarter-end. With limited access to Lehman Brothers financial information, investors were definitely misled by this material window dressing action. Lehman Brothers, apparently, was not moral to its investors, so as Lehman Brothers auditor, Ernst Young, who was supposed to give a true and fair view on its accounting and disclose anything material to investors. The accounting gimmick put the trustworthiness of accounting in doubt. And what the Financial Accounting Standards Board did to save the banks a nd financial systems from the crisis made people further question the role of accounting. The Board changed the accounting rules to allow the banks close to bankruptcy to report high profits even though their financial position remained unhealthy in reality. Accounting is a means to provide quantitative financial information that helps users in making better business decisions. It provides a fairly good account of the past economic activities of company and a picture of the present and future. It tells the performance and earning power as well as the financial position in terms of resources availability (assets) and obligations (liabilities) of a company. It provides reliable financial information, however it has its limitations. It does not provide non-financial information such as behavioral and socio-economic which may influence the decision-making. To conclude, we could believe in accounting but we should not rely on accounting without taking other information in consideratio n when making a decision.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized - 1554 Words
Marijuanas illegalization has always been erroneous. Early in the 1900s, a surge of Mexicans immigrated to the U.S., and the marijuana they brought with them was quickly associated with them. In the 1930s, tensions between white Americans and Mexican immigrants were heightened due to the Great Depression, and the use of marijuana was ultimately prohibited for the general public in 1937 with the Marijuana Tax Act (Marijuana Timeline). By the 1960s, marijuana became a symbol of counterculture, and the government stopped any research involved with its properties. In 1971, President Richard Nixon began the War on Drugs, and marijuana was dragged into it. Nixon assigned a commission to review the danger marijuana possesses, and theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Studies by the British Medical Association and World Health Organization have concluded that medical marijuana could be used to treat symptoms of certain diseases (Koch). Due to the extensive testing that these two organizations d id and the fact that they are very reputable, there is enough evidence that medical marijuana should be used to help patients. Since marijuana is readily available, and there is research to confirm its medical uses, there is no reason not to use it. Opponents of the use of medical marijuana argue that it could have unintended societal consequences. Robert L. DuPont of the National Institute on Drug Abuse argues that teen attitudes to marijuana are linked to medical marijuana laws, and that medical marijuana would normalize drug use (Teen Drug Use). This is not true. The Institute of Medicine was asked to conduct a study on medical marijuana by the White House. The IOM concluded that, among other things, the use of medical marijuana would not increase recreational usage rates of marijuana (Koch). Since this organization is clearly reputable, there is enough evidence that the legalization medical marijuana wouldnt affect the general populations use of marijuana in any way. Since DuPon t also didnt provide any evidence for his claim, it can be dismissed. Due to the evidence provided, it is clear that marijuana has positive health benefits. In addition, marijuana should be legalized because its illegalizationShow MoreRelatedWhy Marijuana Should Be Legalized1014 Words à |à 5 Pagesreason that marijuana should be legal is that there is no good reason for it not to be legal. Some people ask why should marijuana be legalized? but we should ask Why should marijuana be illegal? From a philosophical point of view, individuals deserve the right to make choices for themselves. The government only has a right to limit those choices if the individuals actions endanger someone else. This does not apply to marijuana, since the individual who chooses to use marijuana does so accordingRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should be Legalized1510 Words à |à 7 Pages12 16 January 2015 Why Marijuana should be legalized Multiple studies have found that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco yet somehow is still considered a schedule 1 drug along with other more extreme drugs such as heroin. Marijuana is the leaves and shredded flowers of hemp plant called Cannabis sativa which is usually a green or gray mixture. Marijuana can be not only smoked in the form a joint, blunt, bowl, bong, etc but can also be eaten. Uses of marijuana can be medically orRead MoreWhy Medical Marijuana Should Be Legalized1245 Words à |à 5 PagesWhy Medical Marijuana should be legalized all over all the United States. In todayââ¬â¢s society, debates regarding legalizing Medical Marijuana occur frequently. The discussions arise in almost every state. Both sides bring solid arguments; however, opponents of the approval are facing the fact, which is very hard to ignore. Medical Marijuana has proven to cure people with life-threatening diseases much more effectively than official treatments; to have second-to-none side effects; and to be aRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legalized Essay1605 Words à |à 7 PagesCannabis II. The History of Marijuana III. The Prohibition IV. Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana V. The Medical Benefits of Marijuana VI. Marijuana vs. Alcohol and Tobacco VII. Marijuana Stimulates Creativity and Brain Cell Growth VIII. Conclusion Should marijuana be legalized for recreational and medical purposes? Thesis: Since marijuana is not harshly dangerous to oneââ¬â¢s health nor is it a hard narcotic, it should be legalized to promote a positive society. Read MoreWhy Marijuana Should be Legalized Essay622 Words à |à 3 Pagesyears ago and perhaps even more than 12,000 years ago. It is considered by many to be one of the most resourceful crops on earth. It can be used for industrial, medical, and recreational purposes. Rather than waging war on marijuana users, this resourceful crop should be legalized and utilized. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The cannabis sativa plant produces more protein, oil, and fiber than any other plant on earth. In fact, it can be used to produce more than 5,000 textile products ranging from ropeRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legalized Essay883 Words à |à 4 PagesWhy Marijuana Should Be Legalized Willie Nelson once said, ââ¬Å"I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?â⬠Marijuana has been a plant for longer than any human has been alive. Civilizations have used marijuana for hundreds of years for hundreds of purposes. But ever since the 1970ââ¬â¢s when growing or havingRead MoreEssay on Why Marijuana Should Not be Legalized1595 Words à |à 7 PagesLegalization or decriminalization of marijuana is opposed by a vast majority of Americanââ¬â¢s and people around the world. Leaders in Marijuana prevention, education, treatment, and law enforcement adamantly oppose the substance, as do many political leaders. However, pro-drug advocacy groups, who support the use of illegal drugs, are making headlines. They are influencing decision making thru legislation and having a significant impact on the national policy debate here in the United States andRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should be Legalized Essay example1689 Words à |à 7 PagesDebate on why Marijuana should be legalized Marijuana is a public name for an illegal substance (drug) produced from the Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) plant. It is also called weed, ganja, grass, kaya and pot. The drug has many chemical compounds and in particular, it has THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) which is responsible for changing mind functions leading to alternations of cognition, mood, behavior, perception and consciousness. ââ¬Å"It is the most widely used illicit substance in the worldâ⬠(WorldRead MoreLegalization of medical marijuana at the federal law Essay1653 Words à |à 7 Pagesï » ¿ Why should marijuana be legalized? Marijuana can be argued for different reasons. In my case I will be arguing the medical purposes for legalizing marijuana. Marijuana has positive features, and how people prefer using marijuana. Marijuana helps individuals get through a variety of things that they suffer. Marijuana provides relief from pain, rather than other medications out there. Many individuals prefer marijuana over anything else to relax. An argument on why people using marijuana spendRead MoreLegalization Of Marijuan It Is A Criminal1470 Words à |à 6 Pagesago, CNN the world s most recognized news station. They were showing a story about how medical marijuana helped a three years old girl, who was suffering from a several epilepsy. From the story, this three year old girl could have a hundreds of seizures within a day. However, one day his father, who was a retired military, he made a research and found a good testimonies about how a medical marijuana helped these men, chi ldren, and women with the same condition as his daughter. Therefore, he decided
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Supervision Concepts and Skill Building â⬠Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Supervision Concepts and Skill Building. Answer: Introduction: Before applying any strategy, it is important to look at the issue from different perspectives and to know who was wrong and who was right(Johnson, R, Clark, G, 2008). One of the most important questions to ask is, was the receptionist honest with the customers? If she was not, then the burden is on her. The most effective strategies, in this case, are the following. In any business environment, it is important to make sure that there is an understanding before making any judgment. In this case, the person who is in the middle of the issue is the receptionist. Therefore, as a manager, I must be just, and fear and that calls for me to hear her side of the story. I would ask her if she tried to call the landscaper herself(Helo, P, Gunasekaran, A, Rymaszewska, 2017). The reason for asking the question is because if she knew that the landscaper was not available on the phone, why did she refer the customer to a person who is not reachable? As a manager, it is important to know more about stakeholders. Though the problem here revolves around the receptionist, the landscaper has his fair share of the blame. Reliability of an employee is crucial to an employer(Dabholkar, 2015). An employee who cannot be found when he or she is needed ought not to work for an organization. With this in mind, it is important to make sure that I get to know about the behaviors of the landscaper. Knowing the behaviors of the landscaper would help me to deal with the issue with all fairness. Though it would be important to know about the landscaper from himself, I would make sure that I get information from different people in the Association as well as look for more information about him from his past customers. The best way to make sure that a tree never grows again is but digging out its roots. The same strategy would be very effective in this case.(Cummings, T, Christopher, G, 2014) To make sure that the problem does not emerge again, I would make sure to deal with the person who is at the center of the issue, and that is the landscaper. He ought to give his side of the story if the problem is to be dealt with once and for all. The most appropriate way of doing so is by inviting the landscaper and having a one on one session with him. During the session, there are some questions that I would ask him. One of them is if the allegations of him not picking the phone are true, second is why does he not get back to the customers, and the third and most harsh but must be asked if he is tired of working(Mitra, 2016). The receptionist cannot be followed up if there is no way to prove if she is doing her job well. The only way to do so is by having the contacts of the customer. This is to make sure that the information provided by the receptionist can be verified(Coghlan, D, Teresa, B, 2014). Asking for the landscapers number The number of the landscaper will be used in proving if he is on voicemail as the customer claims. At the same time, I would be taking the number so as to make sure that it is a genuine number which is owned by one of the landscapers from the Association(Certo, 2015). The customer might have been provided with the wrong number mistakenly. The receptionist must be given a chance to give her side of the story. I would ask her if the services she provided to the customer are of good quality. To prove if the information provided by the receptionist is true, I would make a call to the customer. The customer has the right to good services, and for this reason, I must hear her side of the story. The whole case must be followed up in a way that every party that is affecting the work of the receptionist must be consulted. The landscaper must give reasons why his phone is on voicemail and why he does not receive or answer the calls of the customers. If it is true he does that; then the receptionist is suffering because of his negligence and unreliability. Therefore, the landscaper ought to make things clear so as the whole issue can be dealt with. Enquiring if there are more available landscapers The receptionist stated that there were no other landscapers and that the customer had no choice than to keep on waiting on the unreliable landscaper(Zurich, 2017). Therefore, to make sure that the information provided to the customer is true and reliable, I would take the initiative of finding out if it is true that there are no more free landscapers. The truth about the issue will dictate the type of action that should be taken(Woodside, R Tricia, M, 2016). The last and most important step would be taking action. If it is true that the landscaper has been ignoring the customers, I believe he is of no use to the association and that he should reform or be fired(Moore, 2014). If it is a lie that there are no freer landscapers, the receptionist will face a disciplinary action because she failed in providing quality services to the customer. Steps to determine how LNA Masters Landscapers Association could deliver better service to the customers seeking referrals The following flow chart looks at all aspects of how the Association can take its services to a higher level. Bibliography Certo, S., 2015. Supervision: Concepts and Skill-Building. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Coghlan, D, Teresa, B, 2014. Doing Action Research in your Organization. Boston: SAGE. Cummings, T, Christopher, G, 2014. Organization Development and Change. Boston: Cencage Learning. Dabholkar, P., 2015. How to Improve Perceived Service Quality by Increasing Customer Participation. Proceedings of the 1990 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. Berlin: Springer International. Helo, P, Gunasekaran, A, Rymaszewska, 2017. Managing Service Delivery. In Designing and Managing Industrial Product-Service Systems (pp. 49-56). New York: Springer International Publishing. Johnson, R, Clark, G, 2008. Service Operations Management: Improving Service Delivery. New York: Pearson. Mitra, A., 2016. Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Moore, S., 2014. The Mediation Process: Practical Strategies for Resolving Conflict. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Woodside, R Tricia, M, 2016. Generalist Case Management: A Method of Human Delivery. Boston: Cencage Learning. Zurich, L., 2017. Service Operations and Management.
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